Christian Education
Christian Education classes are conducted periodically by the Rector to provide opportunities for the parish family to enhance their learning of how to live out the gospel of Christ in their lives. These classes are announced in our weekly bulletins.
Parish Dinners
These dinners allow for the parish family to come together in an informal setting to share a meal and celebrate seasonal events.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Episcopal Church Women are empowered by working collaboratively with groups within and outside the church for gender and justice issues. Our group meets monthly (from September through May) for programs, planning and fellowship. ECW also participates in several parish Outreach and Fellowship projects.
Foyer Groups
A fun and easy way for parishioners to gather on a regular but informal basis for purely social reasons. There is no agenda - just casual fellowship and a refreshing meal (in host's home of restaurant) or planned activity like a movie or bowling. Groups are made up of singles, couples, or both. Out of the gatherings, friendships develop among people who might not have any other opportunity to meet and get to know each other. Newcomers are especially encouraged to join in and be a part of the groups.
Sunday Coffee Hour
Parishioners are encouraged to host a coffee hour following the 10:00 a.m. service (9 a.m. June - early September). Each host provides and serves simple refreshments. This time is an opportunity for fellowship among parishioners and a chance to welcome visitors and newcomers.
Pastoral Care Committee
Parishioners of St. James the Fisherman reach out in love and support to help take care of each other in our times of need. Additional information will be forthcoming.