
Second Helpings:  Every day of the week our parishioners pick up, fresh and baked goods at local stores who have donated this food for the area’s local food pantry. As one of our outreach programs, 2nd Helpings is a food distribution program in which St. James the Fisherman members pickup food from local providers and deliver it to persons in need. Each week, members of the 2nd helping team go to participating super markets and fast food stores to pickup surplus food that has been set aside, and deliver it to institutions that provide it to the needy. If you would like to participate in this program, please contact Greg Weber at [email protected].

Neighbor-to-Neighbor Programs:  This two-pronged service program consists of a coat ministry and an orthopedic lending closet.  Our coat closet maintains and distributes over 700 coats per year in collaboration with local churches and nonprofit organizations from the months of October through the end of February.  The orthopedic lending closet is available all year to members of our parish and geographical community who are in need of various durable medical equipment pieces on a loaning basis.

Brunswick Family Assistance Food Pantry Collection:  Nonperishable goods are collected in the church’s gathering area on an ongoing basis and donated to our community’s food pantry every two weeks.

Lobster Sale/Yard Sale/Bake Sale/Craft Sale:  All proceeds from these annual events are donated to community nonprofit organizations.

Angel Tree:  Our parish sponsors 3-4 families at Christmastime with gifts of new clothes, toys, gift cards for food and electricity and any other items on their wish list.

Christmas in July:  Collections of school supplies and backpacks donated by our worshiping community are distributed to a local public elementary school.

Diaper Drive:   Twice a year parishioners donate disposable diapers and wipes that are then distributed to low income families through a local organization who advocates for the homeless.

Episcopal Farm Worker Ministry:  A diocesan program that responds to the needs of migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families.  Our congregation donates clothing, linens and funds to this effort.

Coups for Troops:  Parishioners collect and sort coupons that are mailed to overseas military families.  Emotional support and prayer are also offered through correspondence.

Thanksgiving Meal Preparation:  Our parishioners join with other churches to prepare Thanksgiving meals for shut-ins.

CROP Walk:  Once a year our parishioners join with other local churches to raise money for those who are food insufficient.

Meals of Love:  Once a month meals are donated to our local hospice inpatient family care center.

Operation Christmas Child:  In collaboration with Samaritan’s Purse, shoeboxes are filled with supplies and gifts for children in need around the world.

Support the Girls: Annual collection for homeless and financially challenged women and girls in Brunswick and New Hanover Counties are in need of bras and feminine hygiene products.

Angel Tree Camp: The DOK provides funds for four children of prisoners to go to camp.

Faith Outreach Student Scholarships: The DOK provides scholarship funds to qualified students at a local community college.